Itulah persoalan yang timbul di dalam kepala saya apabila menonton TV tentang dialog anjuran Karangkraf diantara pihak SPR dan penganjur Bersih. Orang ramai yang datang telah sedia membawa pendirian dan sikap yang tidak mungkin dapat berubah lagi. lalu berlakulah kelakuan yang tidak beradab dan tidak bertamadun, riuh rendah, bertempek melolog, menunujukkan otot dan kekuatan fizikal diantara golongan yang bertentangan, malah terhadap pihak SPR.

Saya perturunkan di bawah ini teks dalam bahasa Inggeris yang sebenarnya telah diamalkan oleh orang-orang yang bertamadun, terutamanya di dunia Barat, iaitu tentang perbezaan diantara debat dan dialog, yang seharusnya menjadi renungan dan amalan kita bersama.

Dialoque vs Debate

1. Dialoque is collaborative: two or more sides work together toward common understanding. Debate is oppositional: two sides oppose each other and attempt to prove each other wrong.

2. In dialogue, finding common ground is the goal. In debate, winning is the goal.

3. In dialoque, one listens to the other side(s) in order to understand, find meaning and find agreement. In debate, one listens ti the other side in order to find flaws and to counter its arguments.

4. Dialoque enlarges and possibly changes a participant's point of view. Debate affirms participant's own point of view.

5. Dialoque reveals assumptions for reevaluation. Debate defends assumptions as truth.

6. Dialoque causes introspection on one's own position. Debate causes critique of the other position.

7. Dialoque opens the possibility of reaching a better solution than any of the original solutions. Debate defends one's own positions as the best solution and excludes other solutions.

8. Dialoque creates an open-minded attitude: an openness to being wrong and openess to change. Debate creates a close-minded attitude, a determination to be right.

9. In dialoque, one submits one's best thinking, knowing that other peoples' reflections will help improve it rather than destroy it. In debate, one submits one's best thinking and defends it against challenge to show that is right.

10.Dialoque calls for temporarily suspending one's beliefs. Debate calls for investing wholeheartedly in one's beliefs.

11.In dialoque one searches for basic agreements. In debate, one searches for glaring differences.


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